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OIML-CS Information for Manufacturers

OIML-CS Certificates

Certificates can no longer be issued under the Basic System and the MAA. Instead, manufacturers must apply to an OIML Issuing Authority under the OIML-CS for an OIML-CS Certificate and associated OIML type evaluation report.

Two types of OIML-CS Certificate are available: Scheme A and Scheme B.

Under Scheme A, OIML Issuing Authorities have to demonstrate their competence on the basis of accreditation or peer assessment. Utilizers and Associates sign a declaration to commit themselves, in principle, to accept and utilize OIML type evaluation reports, when associated with an OIML Certificate (under Scheme A) issued by an OIML Issuing Authority, as the basis for issuing a national or regional type approval. If a Scheme A certificate is not accepted then the Utilizer or Associate must provide a written justification (N.B. this is not required if test results from a Manufacturer Test Laboratory (MTL) are used).

Under Scheme B, OIML Issuing Authorities can demonstrate their competence on the basis of a ‘self-declaration’. In this instance, Utilizers and Associates can choose to voluntarily accept and utilize OIML type evaluation reports, when associated with an OIML Certificate (under Scheme B) issued by an OIML Issuing Authority, as the basis for issuing a national or regional type approval. Any acceptance of Scheme B certificates may be detailed by the Utilizer/Associate in their declaration.

Categories of measuring instrument in the OIML-CS

This table shows the categories of measuring instrument that are included in the OIML-CS and under which Scheme. The table also shows the proposed transition from Scheme B to Scheme A.

OIML Issuing Authorities, Utilizers and Associates

Information on the organizations that have been approved as OIML Issuing Authorities is provided here. A summary of the OIML Issuing Authorities and their scopes is provided here.

Information on the Utilizers and Associates under the OIML-CS that will accept and utilize OIML type evaluation reports when associated with an OIML Certificate issued by an OIML Issuing Authority is provided here. A summary of the Utilizers and Associates and their scopes is provided here.

Further information

Information on the processing of an OIML Certificate and the associated OIML type evaluation report can be found in OIML-CS Procedural Document PD-05. Information on how to use OIML Certificates and/or OIML type evaluation reports for obtaining a national or regional type approval can be found in OIML-CS Procedural Document PD-06.

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