For all commercial transactions, research of production processes where weighing is involved it is essential the weighing results can be trusted by the user. However, the quality of weighing instruments and, consequently, the quality of weighing indications is often taken for granted. To raise awareness about the importance of quality weighing for businesses, CECIP launches the new ‘Weighing you can trust’ campaign. This campaign focusses on the different quality aspects that are part of weighing and the value of using the right partner when buying and maintaining weighing instruments. It is the successor of the World with Weighing campaign that was running last year and concentrated on the role of weighing in all aspects of our lives and businesses.
The main message of the campaign for businesses is to look for the right partner that can provide you with compliant quality weighing instruments that meet your wishes regarding various aspects. In the coming months a wide range of messages will be spread on social media to explain the importance of quality weighing in different sectors. Furthermore, articles will be published on the campaign website ( and the website of the national associations.
International Conference of Weighing registrations opening soon
All stakeholders in the weighing sector are kindly invited for the first edition of the International Conference of Weighing (ICW) on 24-26 April 2023 in Hamburg, Germany. The ICW is a three-day conference organised by a partnership of weighing industry associations from different parts of the world (Japan, China, South Korea, Australia, Europe, US, Argentina & Brazil) and international organisations OIML and BIPM. It will be a key event for everyone involved in the weighing sector by bringing together researchers, industry and authorities. During the three days at Hotel Hafen there will be a large number of presentations on state of the art developments regarding scientific, legal and applied metrology. Moreover, it is an excellent opportunity to meet relevant stakeholders from all over the world. The focus of the first edition is ‘Weighing in a global digital world’.
The programme is almost finalised and can be found in on the conference website ( in the coming weeks. Registrations will also open soon via the website.
CECIP General Assembly takes place in London
From 24 to 26 June the 72nd CECIP General Assembly took place in London where CECIP was hosted by the UKWF. After three years with two online GAs all participants were glad to be able to meet each other in person again. The GA started with some internal meetings followed by the the LMG seminar on Thursday afternoon. Participants listened to the following interesting presentations:
Phil Owen (Chartered Trading Standards Institute) – Market surveillance and verification in the UK
Ian Turner (UKWF) – Accessing the UK market after Brexit
Ulrich Rauchschwalbe, (Schenck Process) – Updates on OPC-UA for the weighing industry
Matej Grum (MIRS Slovenia) – The new AWICal guide
Mannie Panesar (BEIS) – Updates on OIML CS
Dorothea Knopf (PTB) – (Possible) Dissemination of the Unit of Mass in the Future
Friday the closed part of the General Assembly dealt with the formal parts. This included an amendment to the statutes to allow for an associated membership (see other article). Furthermore, Frédéric Fossi from Aperge MASTER K was elected as new CECIP Board member.
The afternoon session was also open for guests and was opened by a presentation by UKWF President Graham Spink on the current status in the UK. This was followed by updates on the activities of the CECIP working groups. Furthermore, there were presentations from Connor O’Shea, deputy director of UKCA Delivery, and Anthony Donnellan, director of BIML. The GA ended with a gala dinner at Cutler’s Hall on Friday evening.
Next year the General Assembly will take place as an online meeting due to the organisation of the International Conference of Weighing (
New CECIP associated membership introduced
With the adoption at the GA of an amendment to the CECIP statutes companies can now also become an associated member of CECIP. Before the amendment companies could join CECIP if there is no weighing industry association in their own country. However, they could only join as full member having the same benefits and fees as a small association.
The approved amendment makes it possible to become an associated member as well. This associated membership is open for all companies in the weighing industry from countries without a weighing industry association and organisations that are no manufacturers or services providers from countries with a weighing association. Associated members will pay a lower fee than full association or company members, but in exchange they also receive only part of the services of CECIP. They will receive the newsletter, updates on legislation and can participate in the General Assembly. However, they cannot join the working groups and provide input on the CECIP technical work. More details can be found in this presentation. Interested companies and organisations can contact also Tim Hamers (