TAC Insight’s Fast-Weigh software is now integrated with Loadrite loader scales. According to TAC Insight, Fast-Weigh and Loadrite users can now track the status of trucks in-plant and provide operators with information such as customer, product, job and target weights.

By integrating with Loadrite scales, TAC Insight says Fast-Weigh eliminates the need for a second device in the loader cab. Fast-Weigh can leverage Loadrite’s platform by sending data directly to the Loadrite 3180 and L5000 loader scales.
Additionally, TAC Insight says Fast-Weigh now tracks analytics and performance by comparing Loadrite weights against ticketed weights. Truck turnaround and loading performance can be monitored and reviewed remotely from the Fast-Weigh cloud web portal.
Another integration
Additionally, Fast-Weigh software now integrates between TAC Insight’s scale ticketing application and overhead silo loadout systems.
Fast-Weigh users can now initiate asphalt, aggregate and bulk material silo drops from within their existing scale software client, TAC Insight says. According to the company, this condenses the complexity of operating disparate systems into one simple interface.
Fast-Weigh Loadout integrates with existing plant controls and has no impact on any manual controls or overrides in place for the plant, TAC Insight adds.
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