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TANK WEIGH MODULE – Oscar Zavaleta Weighing Industry

Small Size and Height

When height is at premium and mounting area is small. Consider something like this mini bear pad weigh module. Select mount assembly based on installation type.

All capacities have the same size, allowing easy change. No need to change weigh mount if capacity changes. If cable breaks, replace just the cable and not the cell.

DIMENSIONS Overall height varies with weigh module from 3” to 5″ Load cell compact enough to fit in your hand palm.

CONSTRUCTION All stainless steel hermetic seal construction. Armor braided, Polyvinyl or Teflon™ cable. Cable length available in different lengths.


Output:              2 mV/V Impedance:       1 k Ω Excitation:         6 to 15 VDC

Non-Linearity:  0.03 % FSO Hysteresis:        0.03 % FSO Overload:          200 %

Capacity: 250, 500, 1 k, 2.5 k 5 k & 10k lb


Pivot Kit (Option) Top Plate (Option) Load Cell Bottom Plate (Option) Cable 10 ft (Option) Cable 25 ft (Option)

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